Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Shattered Sheep

Alice in Wonderland – Chapter 1 …for she had read several nice little histories about children who had got burnt, and eaten up by wild beasts and other unpleasant things, all because they would not remember the simple rules their friends had taught them.

We “The Alices” believe that ALL children should be taught the simple rules about protecting themselves from wild beasts and unpleasant things but how do you they learn if those who should be teaching them are actually the ones from whom they need protection?

The authors of this blog were raised by Mad Hatters. We had fathers who, at the very least, had Narcissistic Personality Disorders (diagnosed by us) and Mothers who married them - and then as if to really see how many lives their unions could handicap, they each had eight children (five girls, three boys)! The simple math here is a grand total of sixteen personalities, in our families alone, which provide much of our food for thought. Our position in our families of origin is the oldest daughter and we can’t be sure if it is birth order or madness that has given us the label within the family of troublemakers and bitter ones. We do not like the fact that we have developed a certain edge (jjjj-jaded) about us in order to cope with our upbringings but, since ours is a quest for justice – even if only through validating the unprotected -we don’t see that changing while there is still breath in us. Okay, we are willing to let go of the bitterness little by little because bitter old ladies are not nearly as tolerable as spunky, sassy young women. Then you get dementia or something like that in your old age and you really can’t hold it in so we will definitely be working on the bitter part.

It is hard not to be bitter when we live in such an unjust place as earth. Every day we encounter or hear about an injustice being done to someone undeserving of such treatment. While I was writing this, I came across a story of a mother and father on trial for the alleged (don’t you just love the word?) murder of their daughter who died from smoke inhalation because she was chained to her bed each night when she slept and there was a fire in the home. They are also charged with child abuse – they allegedly beat her regularly and school officials have testified that she came to school smelling of urine and sweat. Even though the authorities were called in several times, this special-needs little girl was actually accused of being a liar and NO investigations ever made it past discussions with the parents – who appear to be the proverbial wolves in sheep’s clothing. I have watched a bit of the court proceedings, and it is appalling to see how the defense has managed to put this 16-year old young lady on trial. I realize it is the defense attorney’s prerogative to use whatever means are available to represent monsters such as these parents from Kalamazoo, Michigan but this is where “The Alices” cry out for Justice! Even when this little girl tried to remember the simple rules her friends had taught her to protect herself from being eaten up by wild beasts, and told people about the abuse she was suffering, her life became even more intolerable because her parents then decided to home school her and make her their prisoner. One of “The Alices” knows lots about being home-schooled under the notion that a child can be protected from the world’s influences – and many home-schooling families can pull this off fabulously; however, in this type of a family of origin, with a Mad Hatter at the helm, the world would have been a far safer landing.

We hope there will be some Justice for 16-year old Calista who was not protected from the wild beasts (her mom and dad) because people were more willing to believe a child could be liar than to believe, for goodness sake - the unthinkable, that there really are some horribly messed up people out there parading themselves as parents!

Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.
Isaiah 1:17

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We write to express the truth as it is to us

We thank you for checking out this site the next two topics will be on how contracts run our life( Verizon wireless) a fun one for the contract, and second the murder of a well know alleged terrorist. It seems you only get a trial if the government doesn't feel truths will be exposed. So those are the next two coming up any feedback on how to take down the new monopoly being created by Verizon I view them more like terrorists than a corporation maybe the mafia would be helpful. I also want to state any comments are great we need feedback we have not been diligent with this blog but it is now going to be ran correctly so feel free to return and if you hate it tell us unlike Verizon and Barak we can handle the truth.